LiveCode @ SoCal Linux Expo, Feb 2014

Discussion forum for the Southern California LiveCode Developer Group

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LiveCode @ SoCal Linux Expo, Feb 2014

Post by FourthWorld » Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:38 pm

I recently got confirmation from the organizers of the SoCal Linux Expo (SCaLE) that we'll be holding our annual UbuCon event there again at SCaLE 12x, February 21-23, 2014:

For anyone doing anything with Linux, SCaLE is the biggest Linux event of the year in Los Angeles, and IMNSHO the most fun!

On the Friday kickoff day for SCaLE they hold special events, and this year UbuCon will return on Friday, February 21, for a full day of topics focused on Ubuntu.

We've already lined up some great speakers for UbuCon, nearly half of them from Canonical, the company that drives the Ubuntu project.

And of course now that LiveCode is open source, yours truly will be giving a talk there titled "Getting Started with LiveCode".

If you're planning on attending I can tell you from past experience that while it's tempting to just drive there and back each day since it's local, the parties each night make it well worth considering getting a room there at the Hilton and just immersing for the three days. SCaLE draws a diverse gathering of interesting and fun-loving people, making it my second-favorite event every year after RevLive.

I know this is quite an early notice, but it's well worth planning to attend if you're just curious about Linux. SCaLE is a truly stellar event!

Hope to see you there -
Richard Gaskin
LiveCode development, training, and consulting services: Fourth World Systems
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