Naming array keys for WordReport

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Naming array keys for WordReport

Post by jmk_phd » Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:04 am

Although for my own apps I generate reports as PDF files, I'm helping a colleague who insists that these be editable files. Thanks to mentions elsewhere in this forum, I found Curry Kenworthy's clever WordReport extension. It necessitates passing an array that is used to fill in the items of a preconfigured MSWD template.

Despite the fact that my LC array includes literally over two hundred items, this generally has been yielding an accurate printout. However, there've been some very perplexing glitches.

According to Curry's reply to my inquiry, LC array keys are inherently case sensitive. However, I found that -- for example -- the generated report inserted the same value for the keyed "m" as for the keyed "M". Once I changed the former key to "nm" (in both the template and the code) the correct value was displayed.

(BTW, although I don't think it would matter, I did set the caseSensitive property to true in the handler.)

Although all of the keys employed in my array are already unique, I suppose that I can rename these to be even *more* unique -- if that makes any sense at all as a concept.

I'd appreciate feedback from anyone who has encountered glitches in naming array keys, whether or not related to the WordReport extension.



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