A few simple questions

Want to move your code and projects to LiveCode but don't know where to start?

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A few simple questions

Post by Mujo » Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:43 pm

Greetings to all.

To be fair, I've heard about LiveCode just about a few minutes ago. Looking thru lc website, it seems really interesting. I have one simple project in mind, and I was wondring if livecode can do what I need, so if you guys can help me out here, that would be great.

Can livecode communicate with parse . Com cloud services?

I see that livecode can be used on servers as well. Is lc good enough for writing game logic and placing it on lc servers? I'm not talking about realtime multiplayer games, rather something like turn-based. Can this be done using just livecode?

Thanks for the help :)

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Re: A few simple questions

Post by Simon » Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:24 pm

Hi Mujo,
Welcome to the forums and welcome to liveCode!

1 parse.com) Most of the stuff offered you can build in liveCode, push? easy, social integration currently I think just iOS. As for online storage I'm a bit confused when they say "All the Hassle..." a shared server is easy. I think if you are intent on developing a commercial product you'd get your own hosting service.

2 liveCode Server) good enough??? :) No problem, I've seen a realtime 2 player game. Turn based doesn't sound like heavy graphics engine use but even that is coming.
On that page is a tic tac toe game made by school kids, client/server multi-computer.

If you haven't programmed before it will take a little while to get up to speed on liveCode and I wouldn't set out as a first project a multi person shooter game.
You should download the free community version of liveCode and just plan on making a calculator or egg timer or maybe something you could use.

Just for transparency, liveCode is a programming language, it is not all cut and paste or drag 'n drop there is real learning and thought needed to produce an app. So, before you say "Why do the buttons all look so ugly" study their properties and you will see they can look like anything you want.

Hope you enjoy liveCode! Once you "get it" it's tons of fun!

I used to be a newbie but then I learned how to spell teh correctly and now I'm a noob!

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Re: A few simple questions

Post by Mujo » Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:08 am

I'm not a novice programmer, I'm a web programmer for almost a decade now (PHP and some Java skills).

I'm testing out different solutions at the moment, never tried programming for mobile devices, but my final goal is to build a turn based game.
I need a server as a backend where all the game logic will be, matchmaking, and of course - cloud storage. Using parse I get all of that in a easy and a familiar way to me (javascript).

Now all that is left is some framework to build a mobile app. Found a couple of them that seem pretty good. LC is one of them, so I am going to test LC as well of course.

But then I saw that there is a server version of LiveCode as well. If I could make random matchmaking, game logic, etc with livecode, that would be awesome as well. One platform for all would be a way better solution. But it has to be cross platform (iOS and Android of course). Guess I'm gonna have to dig in a bit more :)

Thx for your help.

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Re: A few simple questions

Post by jacque » Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:40 pm

Since you already have the server skills you shouldn't have any trouble with that. To begin with I think I'd just use what you're familiar with on the server side and start with the client app.

Once you have a client working you can experiment with creating the LC server back end if you want. The client app shouldn't be too hard since you already have the skills required to implement it, all you need to do is learn the language and structure LC uses. That has a learning curve, but knowing how to program already gives you a significant advantage.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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