auto-renewable subscription: always return "restored" on iOS 16

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auto-renewable subscription: always return "restored" on iOS 16

Post by trevix » Fri Mar 03, 2023 11:05 pm

My standalone has a 6 month renewable subscription, that works fine on Android.
Recently I noticed that my customers on iOS get subscribed for free (sigh).

As from my message (Trevix) and Panos answer on the lesson "How do I implement in-app purchases in LiveCode - Apple AppStore?" ... e-appstore I use "mobileStoreRestorePurchases" at launch, in order to check if the user has still a valid subscribtion.

No matter what, the "purchaseStateUpdate" always receives a pState = "restored", with the correct tProductID.

Code: Select all

on purchaseStateUpdate pPurchaseID, pProductID, pState
My device account sandbox is not in the Tester Sandbox list of app Store Connect and, for what I can tell since it's a really confusing business, my scripts are correct.

Subscription enables on the App some "Pro activities", and I assume that most of my iOS clients are now enabled but, because I believe there is not a list of subscribed users on the Apple store connect, it is hard to tell...
I can only see that on my iOS hardware devices (iOS16, iPhone and iPad): on the second launch of the App I get subscribed.

Is there something I should know on iOS 16, about my problem?
Note that everything works fine on the iOS 15.2 emulator.
Thanks for any help.

OSX 14.3.1 xCode 15 LC 10 DP7 iOS 15> Android 7>

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