Issue with answer dialog in stack loaded from Launcher standalone

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Issue with answer dialog in stack loaded from Launcher standalone

Post by mikelpapamike » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:33 pm


I have an issue with the answer dialog in stack saved and loaded from a launcher app that the only script it has is to load another stack.

I checked the "auto detect inclusions" while setting the standalone app.

The strange is that, inside the development environment the answer dialog works as it should, could it be an issue that I created a splash stack which externally loads another stack?
Should the launcher app be compiled with manually selected the answer dialog? As there is no such code inside the "Launcher App". Also another strange thing is that Previously the stack that is now being loaded from the Launcher app had been used as a standalone app. So every answer dialog that was previously coded inside that stack is working as it should, but every change I make afterwards with answer dialogs, is being ignored.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Issue with answer dialog in stack loaded from Launcher standalone

Post by Klaus » Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:49 pm

Hi mikelpapamike,

welcome to the forum!

What exactly is the problem you have witht answer dialog?
You did not tell so yet. :-)

However, when using the SPLASH stack way as you did, you should start using that stack,
since this way all other stacks, that are not part of the runtime, will "find" the dialog stacks
in the runtime stack.

Know waht I mean?

Code: Select all

start using "you splash resp. runtime stack here"
go stack...
Hope that helps.



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Re: Issue with answer dialog in stack loaded from Launcher standalone

Post by AxWald » Tue Mar 02, 2021 1:22 pm

mikelpapamike wrote:
Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:33 pm
Should the launcher app be compiled with manually selected the answer dialog?
Sure! The "stack that gets compiled as StandAlone" will become your LiveCode engine - it MUST contain any of the resources (libs etc.) that you plan to use later on.

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Re: Issue with answer dialog in stack loaded from Launcher standalone

Post by mikelpapamike » Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:28 pm

Hello Klaus and Axwald,

Thanks a lot for the prompt reply, sure I forgot to mention the problem how wise... :D , the issue is that the answer dialog just gets ignored. nothing happens when answer is requested.

So to understand clearly, on the SPLASH stack, I have to include all the libraries by hand that may be needed from other stacks that may be loaded right?

But how do you explain the fact, that all the buttons that include the answer dialog created after the stack is saved by the SPLASH stack are being ignored but all the buttons that include it made prior work correctly?

Let me try to explain it better.

I have a stack, I used to save it as standalone app after every change I was making.

Then I created a splash stack which loads this stack, to be able to save every change on fields buttons etc. with the command "save this stack".

So if then I open that stack(not the SPLASH) with the IDE, and add a button with answer dialog,save this stack, run the SPLASH, button doesn't work, but older buttons with answer dialog work as it should. Sounds really strange to me.

Thanks again to all of you.

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