Making data entered in fields of HTML5 stacks persistent

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Making data entered in fields of HTML5 stacks persistent

Post by georgio8 » Tue May 01, 2018 12:36 pm


I'm hoping to use Livecode Community edition to port one or two stacks that I've maintained since the Hypercard era to the web, (having previousky used RunRev to keep them alive on OS X).

The first problem I've encountered is that new data entered in fields of Livecode HTML5 stacks on my web server doesn't seem to be stored. I.e. after leaving the page and then re-opening it the new data has disappeared. Is there something I should add to my stack script to store the stack state persistently? (I'd point to the small online stack I'm using for testing around this issue, but thos forum won't allow me to post a URL!)
I'm testing the online stack with the Chrome browser on a Mac.

A more minor problem is that the backspace key doesn't delete, the arrow keys don't do anything either and some of the punctuation keys produce funny characters.

All suggestions welcome.


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Re: Making data entered in fields of HTML5 stacks persistent

Post by FourthWorld » Tue May 01, 2018 5:11 pm

If a publicly-accessible server resource can be modified by just opening it in a browser, it can be modified by anyone on the Internet.

Server systems that allow modification require some form of authentication, so only trusted people can modify the resource.

Part of that requires creating something on the server to handle save requests.

CGI is a relatively simple mechanism for allowing custom code to be invoked from Apache and other web servers, very useful for things like posting data.

CGI scripts can be written in many languages, and there's a version of LiveCode just for that, LiveCode Server.

These lessons provide some good background on getting started with LiveCode Server:
Richard Gaskin
LiveCode development, training, and consulting services: Fourth World Systems
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