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Extensions Builder window not populating

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:33 pm
by pthirkell
I am very excited about Widgets in LC 8 and dp 3 is a great advance for people like me just learning the ropes. When I open the Tools -> Extension Builder window, and then click on the "extensions" pop-up, nothing happens and I therefore can't see any listed of the extensions already loaded. Is this just me or do others have the same issue?


Re: Extensions Builder window not populating

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:26 pm
by bman46
The solution for me was quitting the program and re opening it, it that does not work look in object>new control or object> new widget and all of the items are in those tabs

(I use mac so it may vary from windows exe.)

Re: Extensions Builder window not populating

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:24 pm
by bn
Hi pthirkell,

if you want to look at widget code an build from there the extension builder is the place. But it has not the "built-in" extensions in its pop-up. Only the ones you load by clicking on the folder icon on the top-right and then choose a

xyz.lcb file

you could drag a widget folder from your app bundle (on Mac right-click on Livecode8 DP3 and choose show content, on Windows something similar) to the desktop and inspect the xyz.lcb file in the folder. You can click on script and the script will open in an external text editor. The recommended one is Atom, which is free and has a module for livecode builder (livecode script is also supported) On a Mac you could also use TextWrangler/BBEdit.

You will not be able to test the widget though, unless you rename everything, since it is already installed.

Have a look at Trevor DeVore's blog ... er-widget/

where he explains how he did a slider-widget. And more.

You could use that to rebuild that for yourself and see what happens.

Currently it is still a lot of trial and error, but it is a lot of fun and I think widgets are a huge thing.

Kind regards

Re: Extensions Builder window not populating

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:02 pm
by bn
Also you might want to check out

That is how I started, I just copied the code from the blog to a script (in Atom) and it works in DP3. Just watch out for curly quotes in
public handler OnCreate()

put "Hello World" into mText

end handler
they have to be straight quotes.

Kind regards

Re: Extensions Builder window not populating

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:14 am
by pthirkell
Thanks Bernd ... this is very helpful indeed!