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Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:28 pm
by BarrySumpter
Some hard questions here regarding joining the RunRev Developer Program.

Please feel free to reply offline if you prefer:
32+ years in IT and have never broken confidentiality.
And won't be starting now.

Sorry iOS guys - this question is not for you. RunRev are already committed to iOS.
If you are developing in iOS in any way shape or form please don't reply.

I'm interested in solely LiveCode for Android developer opinions only.

If you're working for or assisting RunRev in any way shape or form please don't reply.
Sorry moderators.


I'm starting to push the boundries of the current versions of LiveCode for Android 4.6.4.
Some of the very basic Android functions are NOT available in LiveCode for Android.

I've started getting a standard response from support@runrev asking me to join the LiveCode Developer Program.
I've mentioned why I'd prefer not to join but don't feel like I've received a proper response for asking me to join.
So for me, at this stage, I would not be interested in paying a support program to test software and report bugs.

I'd like t to know if there are any solely LiveCode for Android developers who have joined the LiveCode Developer Program?

Could I get an honest reflective opinion?

Is the LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a year for a solely Android developer?

I'm afraid of spending $200 on the LiveCode Developer Program and getting the same answers.
i.e. not yet, comming soon, in the next version, we'll add that to our todo list, once iOS has been completed, or join the Advance Developer Program to get that answer, etc.

I'm also afraid of getting a quick and dirty untested answer for the fee. i.e. don't know you could try this...

So really only intested in if solutions have been successfully delivered by the LiveCode Developer Program in the past.

I'm wouldn't be intersted in something that has been promised but not delivered.

Usually all I want is a definitive answer. i.e. Yes that can be done and here is the doco. Or No, Not at this time.
The doco offering a proper solution would be preferable.

So have you, as a solely android developer, received an actual solution to a Livecode for Android issue before its official release date?
Have you reveived coding script from the LiveCode Developer Program that helped you solve your problem in a quick turnaround fashion?

Have you actually received any advanced support that you feel is worth the $200 fee?


Again, Please feel free to reply offline if you prefer:
32+ years in IT and have never broken confidentiality.
And won't be starting now.

Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:39 pm
by jacque
I don't meet any of your response criteria so I shouldn't reply. However, given your list of questions, I'll just say that I don't think you'd be happy in the dev program.

Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:16 pm
by BarrySumpter
Thanks Jaque.
We're cool.
Thanks for your honesty.
Thanks all who have replied so far.
I've had more thought.
Dangerous I know.
The OmegaBundle was $500 for $2400+ worth of products, +summer academy which included extended support etc.
So another $200 would be well within the value gained.

Prefer not pay another $200 towards more iOS development
when I'm an Android developer.

I'm asking for proof that RunRev have delivered in the past and that joining the LiveCode Developer Program has proven beneficial to Android developers.

Still not sure why support@runrev continue to ask me to join the LiveCode Developer Program.

Yesterday I had another look at the licensing agreement which loosely translated into 90 days of get up and running support only.
I always get 12 months of software updates confused with 12 months of support. My bad.
Then with the summer academy I received heaps and heaps more support via this forum and RunRev peeps.

So maybe RunRev are telling me if I ask Support@runrev for any support at all,
I'll have to pay for it by joining the LiveCode Developer Program.

I can understand that reasoning. So I'll stop asking Support @runrev for support.

Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:59 pm
by admin12

If you decide to join, let me know because my questions are identical to yours and I want to join because I am developing for Android and can, in no way, complete or do ANY coding with what is currently available. I might as well not even bother. Their answer is reliably - "join the Developer's program".

So, if you join, let me know if it was worth it for Android and web.

I may bite the bullet and spend another $200 just because I really want to use Live Code, but it is so damn buggy in the areas I want to program in.


Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:31 am
by BarrySumpter
Hi Mike,

Will do.

I'd like to discuss the things you are interested in to see if we can find a workaround.
Perhaps in the Android developers forum.
Anything other than games or graphics.
My workarounds are usually a different design or don't go there.
I'm disappointed with this or that not for Android yet
but always wake up the next day with another direction.

Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:53 am
by admin12
BarrySumpter wrote:Hi Mike,

Will do.

I'd like to discuss the things you are interested in to see if we can find a workaround.
Perhaps in the Android developers forum.
Anything other than games or graphics.
My workarounds are usually a different design or don't go there.
I'm disappointed with this or that not for Android yet
but always wake up the next day with another direction.
I just read the current release notes for the android deployment module and they actually turned a lot on (finished a lot of stuff). My only real disappointment for me is in audio - only one sound can be played at a time. I am desperate for multiple sample support (playing many audio samples at one time).

It seems most graphic and database handling is available and the stuff that is not available is pretty esoteric.

What are you looking to create for android?


Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:45 am
by BarrySumpter
Can't assist with the playing multiple sounds at once.
I'm sure I read something about a 3rd party sounds app but can't remember if it was just a collection or not.

My main request are:
(please don't reply with current status, unless its available and I've missed it.):

momentum gestureing with list and DataGrid Tables and DataGrid Forms
physical key captures - menu key standard witn droids - like the backkey capture

access to contacts
access to mail
access to phone history

voice recognition
And mobGUI for Android - gesture scrolling etc
GPS if not already available - needs research on my part
I'd love to be able to program my Apple TV 2 GUI with livecode - fantasizing here ;-)
And the ability to interface with 3rd party apps. - not externals.

I'm sure there is more.

Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:57 am
by jacque
And the ability to interface with 3rd party apps. - not externals.
Won't happen. Both iOS and Android are strongly sandboxed and won't let you access any other app.

Re: Is LiveCode Developer Program worth $200 a Year? Honesty Pls

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:05 am
by BarrySumpter
Hi jacque,
thanks for that.
I'll try to remember.
Not gonna happen. Ever.