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Subsequent loading of LC dlls (in StandAlone)

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:00 pm
by AxWald

I have a tiny StandAlone that comes w/o any .dlls. It grabs a file from a remote server, constructs a menu of it, and shows this menu. Each menu item is a stack on this remote server that can be launched. Fine, works well.

Now one of these stacks may need database access. (It's a stack that tests the customers internet connection - how is the latency, the network settings, can we reach the servers via https, http, ftp - and "Can we reach the databases?")

So I'd need revdb.dll & dbmysql.dll. So far no problem, can be fetched. But how to provide them to the already running StandAlone?

Is this possible at all?

Thx, have fun!