gingerJSON - for reformatting a JSON into a prettier format

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gingerJSON - for reformatting a JSON into a prettier format

Post by pink » Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:25 pm

I put this up on GitHub:

gingerJson returns a reformatted JSON with each Key/Value pair on it's own line, indented for each array or embedded JSON level
snapJson returns a single line raw JSON from the prettier version

Code: Select all

function gingerJson pJson
   put 0 into tLevel
   put 0 into tMaxLevel
   put false into tComma
   put false into tEscape
   put false into tColon
   put false into tJArray
   put empty into tPretty
   repeat for each char tChar in pJson
      switch tChar
         case "{"
            if tEscape is false then
               if (tComma is true and tColon is false) or \
                     (tJArray is true and tColon is false)  then 
                  put tabCount(tLevel) after tPretty
                  put false into tComma
               end if
               put "{" & cr after tPretty
               add 1 to tLevel
               put tabCount(tLevel) after tPretty
               put "{" after tPretty
               put false into tEscape
            end if
         case "}"
            if tEscape is false then
               subtract 1 from tLevel
               put cr & tabCount(tLevel) & "}" after tPretty
               put "}" after tPretty
               put false into tEscape
            end if
         case "["
            if tEscape is false then
               if tComma is true and tColon is false then 
                  put tabCount(tLevel) after tPretty
                  put false into tComma
               end if
               put "[" & cr after tPretty
               add 1 to tLevel
               put true into tJArray
               put tabCount(tLevel) after tPretty
               put "[" after tPretty
               put false into tEscape
            end if
         case "]"
            if tEscape is false then
               subtract 1 from tLevel
               put cr & tabCount(tLevel) & "]" after tPretty
               put "]" after tPretty
               put false into tEscape
            end if
         case colon
            if tEscape is false then put true into tColon
            put colon after tPretty
         case slash
            if tEscape is true then put false into tEscape else put true into tEscape
            put slash after tPretty
         case comma
            if tEscape is false then
               put comma & cr & tabCount(tLevel) after tPretty
               put true into tComma
               put comma after tPretty
               put false into tEscape
            end if
            put tChar after tPretty
            put false into tColon
      end switch		
      if tLevel > tMaxLevel then put tLevel into tMaxLevel
   end repeat
   repeat with x=1 to tMaxLevel
      replace cr&tabCount(x)&cr with cr in tPretty
   end repeat
   return tPretty
end gingerJson
function tabCount pCount
   repeat with x = 1 to pCount
      put tab after tReturn
   end repeat
   return tReturn
end tabCount

function snapJson pJson
   replace tab with empty in pJson
   replace cr with empty in pJson
   return pJson
 end snapJson
Greg (pink) Miller

MadPink, LLC
I'm Mad, Pink and Dangerous to Know

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