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Rendering 2D and 3D Graphics inside a Revolution Window

Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 5:01 pm
by cmenge
Hey Guys,

We have a 3D game engine used to create interactive games / simulations. With this 3D graphics engine (DirectX based) we get a handle to a Win32 window which then allows us to specify a window to render our 3D graphics in. Is it possible to use DirectX with Revolution?

What about DirectInput, DirectX I/O control for hardware like Joysticks, Wheels, etc?


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:08 pm
by Mark
No, it is not possible to use DirectX in Revolution.


Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 6:30 pm
by cmenge

Thanks for the update, much appreciated. For now all we want is joystick control so my thought is to wrap DirectInput in the Revolution SDK and create a simple DLL to read and or poll the current joystick position.



Posted: Fri May 19, 2006 8:33 pm
by Obleo
cmenge wrote:Mark,

Thanks for the update, much appreciated. For now all we want is joystick control so my thought is to wrap DirectInput in the Revolution SDK and create a simple DLL to read and or poll the current joystick position.


This may or may not help you.

I been programing IOUSB control for use with Revolution from OS X( I am not filmier with the different of Mac OS X over Windows, core sets. so this may not help)

Using a IOUSB Family kernal from Apple / Darwin -BSD .I was able to map 12 positions off our controller* Then In shell gone back and started writing a new Core Kernal to drive the movements so They can used from the do as shell script command in revolution and pushing the data to them.

for those following Apple IOUSB debug kits can be found here ... debug.html

I got most of the info I needed from both and from the darwin/apple developer mail list for IOUSB. If you can do this from a DLL over shell more power to you.

I am not total finished with all the programming. But so far got * Gravis 1.0 IO -Xterminator Force to poll all directional movements and 8 buttons. This controller also uses Immersion direct feedback driver witch I have had no luck so far getting to work to this point.

Finally I am setting the plug in for revolution much like GamePad Companion works by taking the Revolution key-Down controls and input data into the kernal. That way it can be custom set per game.

So yes that answers your question I think.

So if using a DLL or kernal it can be done, also if you have more knowledge on this subject I sure it will help you, It tock me 3 months to get the darn thing to work, but I came into this project green on the subject of IOUSB kernal building and am also new to transcript..

I know windows uses shell and that all I really know about the core of that OS so again this most likely does not help. In case it maybe does help somewhat is the only reason I wrote a reply.

This also has me needed the intel build files as the IOUSB kernal for Intel Macs are completely different for Mac. so my current kernal does yet work with Intel processors for revolution because I am unable to test it.

Will I could talk all day about this subject. I hope this helps answer your question, if you want to talk on IO - USB more I have some much info.
that may help.

Good luck.


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:09 pm
by cmenge
Obleo thanks for the note.

Guys, what about 2D Graphics, graphs, charts, etc?


Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 2:54 pm
by Mark
For 2D graphics and animations, check out ArcadeEngine.

