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Correspondence macOS livecode Xcode versions

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 6:32 pm
by Fjord
Hi !
Where can I find a correspondence table between MacOS version - Livecode version - Xcode version? I can't find the page anymore ...
Currently, I use MacOS Big on 11.7.9, I have Livecode 9.6.8 to 9.6.10., What version of Xcode should I dload?
Thanks for your help !

Re: Correspondence macOS livecode Xcode versions

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 7:09 pm
by Klaus
Bon soir François,

check the "Release Notes" in LC -> Menu -> Help
There is always a list of compatible macOS/iOS <-> Xcode versions under -> Platform support



Re: Correspondence macOS livecode Xcode versions

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:17 am
by Fjord
Thank you! I seemed to remember there was a web page about the versions… Better this way !
<aside> Maybe you already know this, in which case I don't want to appear pedantic but… in French 'bonjour' is written as one word; anyway it does mean 'good day' :) </aside>

Re: Correspondence macOS livecode Xcode versions

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:33 am
by Klaus
I know about "bonjour" but was not sure if "bonsoir", which means "good evening" 8-), is also written as one word.

Re: Correspondence macOS livecode Xcode versions

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:12 pm
by Fjord
It is.
'bonjour', 'bonsoir' (soir and jour are masculine words), but 'bonne journée', 'bonne soirée', 'bonne nuit' (as journée, soirée, nuit are feminine words). Adjectives agree in gender [and number] with the noun. So, 'bonne' must be feminine too. You can't put these in one single word ('bonnesoirée') because you wouldn't hear clearly the final syllable of 'bonne'. Just my guess.
When learning a language with genders (Spanish, French, German…), always learn nouns with the article; which English-speaking people tend not to do because we're all lazy. My British wife did not; now she tries to guess, which is basically impossible. Her French teacher should be shot.
Thanks for your help!