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Bad OpenSSL Versions

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 7:12 pm
by trevix
I recently updated my standalone on Google Play Console.
In the report I received 2 major stability problems:
crash on google Pixel 6 Android 12
The crash happens at launch, as soon as the Android OS alert appears, notifying the user about location services(I use bluetooth). Bah...will investigate.
Bad OpenSSL Versions
This is reported having problems: OpenSSL 1.1.1g in lib/arm64-v8a/
Update, bla bla bla..etc.

Unfortunatly I have no idea what is google talking about.
Any idea?

Re: Bad OpenSSL Versions

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 6:49 pm
by jacque
Both issues should be reported to the QCC. Crashing bugs get top priority.

The OpenSSL library is probably too old and the team needs to update it. The 1. 1. 1 version is now up to 1.1.1s. This is something only the team can do. There is also a 3.0 version but it has a critical bug and should be avoided until a patch is available. If you search for OpenSSL you'll see some hysteria about it. It's a big issue affecting most of the internet.