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Sending e-mail inline images with tsNet

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:19 pm
by golife
Hi all

I started (first time) using tsNet (LC 9.6.., Windows desktop OS, tsNet) for sending emails directly from the application since this is what my new customer requires.

All works fine using tsNet (Indy and Business version of LiveCode).

HTML text also works ok setting the HTML text of the field to be sent.

The customer requires a logo at the beginning of the email page and a signature image at the end. Using tsNet, it always is placed at the bottom as an attachment and not inline inside any part of the text message. Setting the imagesource of a character does not work here, it also places the image as an attachment.

Is there any way to do this nevertheless using the email-message field?

I can read the generated encoded MIME text (mimeEncodeAsMIMEEmail tBody, tFrom, tTo, tCc, tSubject, tAttachments --> result in the "it" variable) and possibly change it there manipulating the encoded file, and then send it. But that is an ugly hack and it did not even work so far for me -- as I need to understand the MIME format better).

Thanks a lot in advance... :)