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Find broken behaviours

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:52 pm
by trevix
I have a stack with several nested objects that use behaviours, since group of them share the same scripts.
Now, I was able to mess things up and found that, here and there, there are objects that don't link anymore to an existing behaviour (red on the project browser).

Is there a way to obtain a list of these unlinked objects, so that I can fix them? (that is, put the correct path for the behaviour)

Re: Find broken behaviours

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:36 pm
by jmburnod
One way i use to find broken behaviors path for one card

Code: Select all

function getListControlsBadBEH
   put empty into rListControlsBadBEH
   repeat with i = 1 to the num of controls
      put the short name of control i into tName
      put the behavior of control i into tBEH
      if tBEH = empty then next repeat
      if there is a tBEH then
         next repeat
         put the short name of this cd &"," & tName & "," & tBEH & cr after rListControlsBadBEH
      end if
   end repeat
   return rListControlsBadBEH
end getListControlsBadBEH 
Best regards

Re: Find broken behaviours

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:53 pm
by kdjanz
You can also look in the project browser.

Objects with a behaviour script have an extra icon over on the right hand side, which will let you edit the script if you double click it.
If it doesn't have the icon and it should, you can go into the property inspector and link it back up.

Good Luck


Re: Find broken behaviours

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:56 pm
by trevix
Thanks Kelly, I knew about that.
But when they are deeply nested it is a pain to find them, particularly because the project browser is so crude

Re: Find broken behaviours

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:03 pm
by kdjanz
Then a script would be the route to go. The script could check if the control is on a list of objects that need behaviour 1 or 2 and then set the behaviour accordingly in the script. If you don't want to make a list of objects, you could use a custom property in each object with the name of the behaviour it should have. The script could then loop through every object, and if it had the magic property it would be reconnected to it's behaviour automagically.

An "automated" repair button if you will.