Identifying DataGrids

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Identifying DataGrids

Post by lohill » Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:22 pm

Is there a function or a script that can look at all the controls on a card and identity the ones that are datagrids? I would like something that would return the just the names of any datagrids present.


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Re: Identifying DataGrids

Post by Klaus » Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:31 pm

Hi Larry,

check this custom property set entry of a group:

Code: Select all

if the dgProps["control type"] of grp "xyz" = "Data Grid" then
  answer "You guess..."
end if


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Re: Identifying DataGrids

Post by lohill » Wed Aug 14, 2019 3:50 pm

Thanks Klaus,

You came to the rescue once again. I spliced that into the code I was working on and it did the job.


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Re: Identifying DataGrids

Post by golife » Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:17 am

Building my applications, I often use Trevor's data grid "DataGrid".

And also often, I need to know types and specifics of my controls on my card without polluting the returning lists with all the controls the data grids contain. For this reason, I just created a new function that might help others and is a bit different from those posted here before. It just took me about one hour (this is also why I love LiveCode -- you can do things amazingly fast).

Of course, this function can easily be modified to just return 'true' or 'false' if just to know whether a control is part of a data grid -- or just do the opposite and return only those controls that are part of a data grid (while that is pretty easy to do otherwise).

Function: filterWithoutDGControls ( pType , pIncludeFlag )

This function is called "filterWithoutDGControls " and returns the names of specific or all types of controls optionally including the names of the data grids present if specified in parameter "pIncludeFlag" setting this flag to "true".

Parameter 1: pType: The name of the control type ( 'control' | 'field' | 'button' ... etc.). It can be empty.
Parameter 2: pIncludeFlag: If set to "'true' then also the name/s of the data grid themselves are included in the returning control list. It can be empty.

Code: Select all

function filterWithoutDGControls pType,pIncludeFlag
   ## Returns controls of type pType or any controls that are not part of a datagrid
   // Declaring local variables (I ALWAYS do and recommend strongly)
   local tOut -- Result string, my standard name for returning lists
   local tOut2 -- used here for additional datagrid names
   local tID -- a datagrid id
   local tIDList -- a list of words that are datagrid id's
   local tFlag -- if true then also the names of datagrids themselves are returned
   // Default values and validation
   if pType = "?" then return "put filterDGControls (pType,pIncludeFlag) --> filter datagrid controls. pType = control name, pIncludeFlag = true or false"
   if pType is empty then 
      put "control" into pType -- Search for all controls if no parameter
      put "true" into pIncludeFlag
   end if
   // Start filter routine
   repeat with i = 1 to the number of controls
      // Filter types of controls
      if word 1 of the name of control i is not pType AND pType is not "control" then 
         next repeat
      end if
      // Check if control or type pType is part of a datagrid
      put false into tFlag
      -- dgProps["data grid"] informs of a group is a datagrid. If empty then it is not.
      if the dgProps["control type"] of control i is "Data Grid" then 
         put the id of control i &space after tIDList
         next repeat
         repeat for each word tID in tIDList
            if tID is in the long id of control i then
               put true into tFlag
            end if
         end repeat
         if tFlag is false then
            put the name of control i &CR after tOut
            next repeat
         end if
      end if
   end repeat
   delete last char of tOut -- the CR character
   // If we want to list also the datagrids without their owned controls
   if pIncludeFlag is true then
      if pType is "group" OR pType is "control" AND tIDList is not empty then
         repeat for each word tID in tIDLIst 
            if there is a control id tID then -- double check
               put the name of control id tID &CR after tOut2
            end if
         end repeat
      end if
      delete last char of tOut2
      put tOut&CR&tOut2 into tOut
   end if
   sort tOut
   return tOut
end filterWithoutDGControls 
Maybe this helps. I am sure any function can be improved. Suggestions are welcome. Ideally, a control that belongs to a data grid already has a property that tells us and therefore more easily can be filtered. We can also build custom properties ourselves (using such function) to define the opposite that the control is not part of a data grid. But the function here is trying to be as general and applicable as possible.

Best wishes to all ... Roland (golife)

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Re: Identifying DataGrids

Post by andresdt » Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:13 pm

Hi Roland (golife), thank you very much for sharing this. It served as the basis for creating my own version of its function.

Code: Select all

function filterWithoutDGControls pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag
    ## Returns controls of type pType or any controls that are not part of a datagrid
    local tChildControlIDs, tName, tType, tRresult
    if there is not a pLongId or the word 1 of pLongId is not in "stack,card,group,control,widget,button,field,scrollbar,image,player,graphic" 
    then put the long id of this card into pLongId
    if pType  is not in "stack,card,group,control,widget,button,field,scrollbar,image,player,graphic" 
    then put "control" into pType
    put the childControlIDs of pLongId into tChildControlIDs
    repeat for each line tControlID in tChildControlIDs
        put the name of control id tControlID of pLongId  into tName
        put the word 1 of tName into tType
        if pType is not "control" and tType is not pType then next repeat
        if tType is "card" or tType is "group" then
            if pIncludeFlag is true then
                put filterWithoutDGControls(the long id of control id tControlID of pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag) & cr  after tRresult
            else if  the dgProps["control type"] of control id tControlID of pLongId is empty then
                put filterWithoutDGControls(the long id of control id tControlID of pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag) & cr  after tRresult
            end if
        end if
        put tName & cr  after tRresult
        -- Or
        -- put the long id of control id tControlID of pLongId & cr  after tRresult
        -- put the abbreviated id of control id tControlID of pLongId & cr  after tRresult
    end repeat
    delete last char of tRresult
    sort lines of tRresult
    return tRresult
end filterWithoutDGControls

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Re: Identifying DataGrids

Post by golife » Tue Mar 30, 2021 1:16 pm

@ andresdt

That is very enjoyable to see... :D

Thank you. I will think about it and if there is something worthwhile coming to mind, I will post.

Have a nice spring day.
Roland (golife)

Posts: 103
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:10 pm

Re: Identifying DataGrids

Post by golife » Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:58 pm

@ andresdt

Your function is clever. I need to always turbo-charge my brain when it comes to recursive functions. Actually, I like to use it for extending it to something much more. I will post this separately when finished.

I was not currently aware of the LCS functions "the childControlIDs' and "the childControlNames', long ago that I used them and had forgotten them.
  • I added a little hack to your function as it returns some empty values when supplying specific control types. And it already working in my private library 'rhLib.rev'.
Other small changes:
  • The lists with control names 'tObjects' and' tTypes' are defined in the local variable definition and could be provided also as script variables or parameters.
  • The little typo in 'tRresult' was corrected. Now it is 'tResult'.
  • I added long names and need long id's mostly for the result. Which result to expect could also be defined in the parameters, even though too many parameters are ugly. I have to think about how to make this straight-forward without having to look up how to define.
  • Also, I added a "help" return value using "?" which I started applying to my functions recently. Providing a question mark returns a brief information about the function itself.
  • Some small code documentation add-ons
Here is the function code with those little changes:

Code: Select all

function filterWithoutDGControls pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag
   ## Returns controls of type pType or any controls that are not part of a datagrid
   # Type: Function (recursive)
   # Link:
   # Author: Forum User 'andresdt'
   # Help: Supply "?" as a parameter
   # Location: rhLib.rev
   # Dependencies: None
   # Last version: 2021-03-31 19:00 -- User 'golife' added 'hack' to not receive added empty lines the the result.
   # Ideas: Extend the function for a general getInfo() function
   // Help
   if "pLongID" is "?" then return "filterWithoutDGControls pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag. "&\
         "Empty params: The current card id is used and all control names are returned without the DG Data Grid controls."
   // Local variables
   local temp -- just an intermediate var -- hack
   local tChildControlIDs
   local tName
   local tType
   local tResult
   local tObjects = "stack,card,group,control,widget,button,field,scrollbar,image,player,graphic"
   local tTypes = "stack,card,group,control,widget,button,field,scrollbar,image,player,graphic"
   // If pointer is not defined then use current card id or fall back to my own lib stack
   if pLongId is empty or there is not a pLongID OR word 1 of pLongID is not in tObjects then
      if the short name of this stack is "rhLib" then
         put field "longCardID" into pLongID
         put the long id of this card into pLongID
      end if
   end if
   // If not filtered by object type then use any object/control type
   if pType  is not in tTypes then put "control" into pType
   put the childControlIDs of pLongId into tChildControlIDs
   repeat for each line tControlID in tChildControlIDs
      put the name of control id tControlID of pLongId into tName
      put the word 1 of tName into tType
      if pType is not "control" and tType is not pType then next repeat
      if tType is "card" or tType is "group" then
         if pIncludeFlag is true then
            put filterWithoutDGControls(the long id of control id tControlID of pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag) into temp
            if temp is not empty then 
               put temp & cr  after tResult
            end if
         else if  the dgProps["control type"] of control id tControlID of pLongId is empty then
            put filterWithoutDGControls(the long id of control id tControlID of pLongId, pType, pIncludeFlag) into temp
            if temp is not empty then 
               put temp & cr  after tResult
            end if
         end if
      end if
      --put tName & cr after tResult
      -- Or
      -- put the long name of control id tControlID of pLongId & cr after tResult
      put the long id of control id tControlID of pLongId & cr  after tResult
      -- put the abbreviated id of control id tControlID of pLongId & cr  after tResult
   end repeat
   delete last char of tResult
   sort lines of tResult
   return tResult
end filterWithoutDGControls
Regards and thanks
Roland (golife)

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