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Re: Field hilited text color on Windows

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:17 pm
by bogs
I see your using 'srcCopy' as the ink, perhaps a change there would produce the result your looking for? For instance, 'blendDifference' which produces the exact opposite color as what you have originally (a little unpredictable for what your shooting for though I suspect).

Re: Field hilited text color on Windows

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:05 pm
by trevix
Yes: on windows even the scroll bar get colorised...with awful results. I don't thing is the way to go.

Estethically also I am also having problem with how the hilited line gets painted.
In the first screen shot I posted, I have a 10pt text, with fixed line height, text height 12, margin 8.
The hilited color is "top" aligned with the text, instead of being vertically centered with the text.
Very ugly.
Off course the problem arise from using the "12" text height. Around "14" the color hilite gets centered. But since I need to squeeze more text lines in the field, I cannot avoid this.
On OSX, being able to use light hilited colours, the problem is not so apparent. But is the same.

Re: Field hilited text color on Windows

Posted: Sun May 16, 2021 7:24 pm
by garmeister
This is indeed an issue. Hopefully it gets resolved. The garrish green background was chosen to show that it's indeed the background color showing through the text on the Win version. :?

Re: Field hilited text color on Windows

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 5:09 pm
by jacque
Isn't that a "feature" in Windows? I think it tries to make sure there's enough contrast to be able to see the hilited text. Changing the hilitecolor of the field to something lighter might fix it. Or you could turn off autohilite and set the backcolor of the line by script.

I vaguely remember dealing with this a long time ago.