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How to migrate an application to Levure framework

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:43 pm
by mrcoollion
Hello LC friends,

I am looking into using the Levure framework to develop my Applications with. At this moment I am working on an application with already a few thousand script lines and many commands, functions in Cards and some SubStacks.
The question is : How best can I migrate this application into the Levure Framework and continue working with it.



Re: How to migrate an application to Levure framework

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:51 pm
by trevordevore
Hi @mrcoollion,

Currently there isn't a guide for migrating an existing project over. But we can use this thread to guide you through the process and then put what we learn up on the wiki. Below is an overview of where you can start with links to relevant wiki pages. Ask for clarification where needed and we can work through it.

Assuming you have already created a Levure app, I think the first thing I would do is separate the existing app based on the folders that Levure creates in the ./app folder. The following link lists the app folder structure: ... App-Folder

You can start with the libraries, frontscripts, and backscripts folders. All libraries that your app uses can be moved out into individual stack files and placed in the libraries folder. They will automatically be loaded and `put in use` when your Levure app is opened. Same goes for the frontscripts and backscripts folder.

Next, you would move the stack(s) with the user interface for your app into the `ui` folder. Here are the docs:

Don't worry about moving scripts out into script only stacks at this point. You just want to get your application working within Levure first.

Once you've moved stacks into the ui folder you are probably ready to update the app.livecodescript stack with the code necessary to open the correct stack when the application opens.This can be done by adding a go to stack line to the OpenApplication handler in app.livecodescript. ... codescript

Re: How to migrate an application to Levure framework

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:12 am
by mrcoollion
Thanks for the reply Trevor :D

I will try to move my application into the Levure Framework asap and keep you posted.

PS. maybe an idea to have a specific Levure Framework Channel in 'Third Party extension support' ?



Re: How to migrate an application to Levure framework

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 11:24 am
by tim2RZ
trevordevore, thanks for explanation.