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HDMI touchscreen - Raspi Zero W mouse control?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 8:15 am
by SparkOut
Does anyone (Hermann) know if it is possible to connect a Raspi Zero W to an external HDMI display monitor with touchscreen capability? There would be a fullscreen livecode app running on the pi and users would drag a few buttons round the screen.

Is it possible to use an external touchscreen with pi in this way?

Re: HDMI touchscreen - Raspi Zero W mouse control?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 11:41 am
by [-hh]
SparkOut wrote:Is it possible to use an external touchscreen with pi in this way?
Yes it is, but not with any Raspi and not with any screen and not with any app.
  • The Raspi. The Zero runs with LC 6.5.1 at about 20-30 times slower than a medium fast machine (2.5 GHz) with 8GB RAM, with 7.0.4 at about 25-35 times slower. So better use a Raspi 3b+ or 4b in order to come below '20 times slower'. You also will have to do an appropriate memory splitting (for the GPU) ... /
  • The screen. ... i-display/
  • The LC-app. Running in the IDE LC 6.5.1 is (on Raspi: much) faster than LC 7.0.4, standalones for Raspi are only possible with 7.0.4.
All my life I never liked when anybody put his fatty fingers on my clean display. So I don't use myself a touchscreen, if ever possible.

[p.s. Find a good place to start for 'deeper' information about Raspi here:]

Re: HDMI touchscreen - Raspi Zero W mouse control?

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 6:35 pm
by SparkOut
Thanks Hermann. I guess it is not possible to use an external HDMI monitor that happens to have touch input as if it was just a mouse wired to the Pi via USB input. Ah well, nice idea.
Vielen Dank wieder!