Problem changing Mobgui button from gradation to flat color

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Posts: 49
Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:20 pm

Problem changing Mobgui button from gradation to flat color

Post by EOTR » Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:29 pm

Hi all,

I'm having a problem trying to change the look of the Mobgui button. I don't want the gradated, beveled look. I want it to look like a flat, solid color. I can select just the background (of the group "button") and change it, but when I run the app in the LC Run Mode, or the iOS Simulator, or on my iPod, the button changes back to a gradation. Not only that, but the angle goes from horizontal to vertical.

Seems like there is something in the Mobgui script that does this, but I can't go into the plugin's script to change anything. When I try a password request alert box comes up, and I don't think I have any password for it.

Any thoughts? Has anyone else come across this?

thanks, Henry

The button on the left is what I want it to look like. The button on the right is what happens when I click on the button. (see attached)
Mobgui button backgrounds
mobguiButton.jpg (12.19 KiB) Viewed 2593 times

Posts: 49
Joined: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:20 pm

Re: Problem changing Mobgui button from gradation to flat co

Post by EOTR » Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:42 pm

Alright, I figured part of it out...

In the Inspector under Custom Properties is a property called uMobGUIClass. Below that in "Property Contents" is what appears to be the name of a style: iosButton1

So apparently styles can be applied to these Mobgui elements? I'm assuming its a style because of the suffix "Class". If so, does anyone know where they are, how to manipulate them, or how to make new ones?



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