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Copy datagrid with its template to another MainStack?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:10 am
by BarrySumpter
I've completed considerable testing on a datagrid that needs it template.

I can copy the datagrid to my new MainStack card.

But I don't know how to copy the the the datagrid AND is corresponding template to the new MainStack Card.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Copy datagrid with its template to another MainStack?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:12 am
by BarrySumpter
I must have search for 5 hours on this topic alone.

Finally got the searh phrase right and found this:

How to import a stack with dataGrid into another mainStack?

Re: Copy datagrid with its template to another MainStack?

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:08 am
by BarrySumpter
Thats giving me a head ache.

Trying to renumber the DataGrid Template so I can have both new and old stacks open at the same time.

Anyone know what the following quote means in this context?
It's ok for row template but "Row Behavior" refeer always to the old stack template... I've searched through the custom properties but there's nothing about this... or I'm unable to find it!!!
Thank u- Bye

POSTEDIT 2: Nevermind! I've found it! It's in the behavior of group of template!!! Now it's really all OK!!!
The Row Behavior pointer(?) is getting lost.
I feel I need to change the Row Behavior Custom property of the DataGrid to point to the same Data Grid Template somehow.
But don't know how.
I don't know what this means: It's in the behavior of group of template

-- Found it.
In the App Browser |
under Data Grid Templates 1234... |
left click card id 1002 |
Right click the group Record Template | Select Property Inspector
at the bottom is Behavior
"button id 1006 of stack "Data Grid Templates 1234..."
- change this 1234... to your new DG Template Number

Never ever would have been able to sort that out by myself.

Now that was complicated.

Note to self: write a step-by-step doco cause I've already forgotten how.

Re: Copy datagrid with its template to another MainStack?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:42 pm
by BarrySumpter