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Kinda confused

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:36 am
by stuartls
I am in the process of developing a revolution program. Every one of my cards imports an image. I want to be able to save the program to a CD rom and then once my students get the CD rom to be able to install the standalone program onto their computer. Or maybe even just run off of the CD rom. In developing this program on my "C" drive what folder or drive do I save all my work in? The reason i ask this is that I do not want to go back and have to recode every card to find the image once the program is in final stage and saved to the CD rom since it has been developed and saved on my "C" drive. Does Revolution allow for this? The other question is can I have the program operate just like a new program, meaning can a student get the CD and it runs thru all the appropriate questions to install it on their C drive and then it is standalone on their drive? Other password questions and anti-copy questions to come after I get myself clear on this on.


Re: Kinda confused

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:03 pm
by marielle
Hi Stuart,

It looks like what you need is to declare all your files by reference to where the stack with your application is. To do so,

Code: Select all

function path.topstack
  put (the effective filename of the topstack) into tPath
  set the itemDelimiter to "/"
  if the number of items in tPath > 1 then
    return item 1 to -2 of tPath
    return item 1 of tPath
  end if
end path.topstack
You can then reference all your files relative to this path.topstack() value

Code: Select all

put ("file:" & path.topstack() & "/" & "subfolder/" & "file.ext") into tURL
put tFileContent into URL tURL
put URL tURL into tFileContent
or you can use the set default folder construct to set this one as your active directory.

Code: Select all

set the defaultfolder to path.topstack()
put ("file:" & "subfolder/" & "file.ext") into tURL
put the files
put the folders