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Standalone Window management

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:36 pm
by phaworth
I'm looking for some assistance with how Rev cards are displayed relative to other windows on the desktop (running under OSX).

Typically, a user would have 3 or 4 windows open in my app at any one time. When I go to another Mac application, it's window comes to the front. I can still see one or more of my Rev cards behind the other application's window so I click on it to get back to it. The Rev window I click on comes to the front but the the other cards is stay hidden behind the other application's window.

If I use the OSX command-tab key sequence to get back to my Rev app, all it's open windows come to the front - that's what I would like to happen if I click on any of my app's windows. Is there a method to do that?

Another way round this might be one the following scenarios.

When I run my app, it opens one large window and as the user opens each card, the card is displayed within that window instead of on the desktop. Is that possible? Or maybe some sort of display interface similar to the tabs that many web browsers offer these days? Not sure how either of those ideas mesh with OSX user interface guidelines but seems like they would make for a simpler window navigation method than trying to find windows buried behind other applications.

Thanks for any thoughts on this.


Re: Standalone Window management

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:50 pm
by sturgis
Look up raiseWindows in the dictionary, should do what you need.
When the raiseWindows is set to true, Revolution's windows move as one layer, this means it will not be possible for another application to become interleaved with Revolution's windows, as is possible if the property is set to false.

Re: Standalone Window management

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:09 pm
by bn
now that is a nice trick. Learned something new. Thank you.

Re: Standalone Window management

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:12 pm
by phaworth
Thanks, that works perfectly.

Re: Standalone Window management

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:39 pm
by sturgis
Glad it worked. :P