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Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:43 pm
by tlottrike
"Label Field"
I have had a look through the Dictionary and the User Guide and I have found very little that describes what it does and how you can use it.

Is it possible to get a Text Field to display a Label of it's self via the Property Inspector or is this what the "Label Field" tool is for?

I have tried adding this Script to the Label Field but while it doesn't create an error it isn't doing what I want :)

Code: Select all

On cardopen
   Get name of Tooltip of field "BuildingDescription"
   Put name into Content of Me
end cardopen

Re: Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 4:53 pm
by dunbarx

A couple of things.

The tooltip has nothing to do with your question. Hold this off for a while.
Line 2 of your code snippet has problems. It isn't even wrong. :D

(Anyone know where that adorable sentence came from?)

Now then, a label field is just a field with certain properties. It is convenient in that it is set up to be a transparent "label". Its contents (not its name) is what will be read by the user. So you would:

Code: Select all

put "myLabel" into field "myLabelField"
You can use any field to do the same sort of thing, and manipulate its properties to suit you. The label field just gives you a head start on a common theme.

Experiment. See what sort of object properties you find suitable.

Craig Newman

Re: Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:51 pm
by tlottrike
Cheers Craig I will have a good old rummage and fiddle about.


Re: Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:43 pm
by dunbarx
Do fiddle.

And use "openCard" instead of "cardOpen". 8)


Re: Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:52 pm
by Lagi Pittas
HI Craig,

So you are into QED and QM as well? - Wolfgang Pauli is the answer - brilliant retort.

I would just say "that's Cr*p" because time's too short waiting for the penny to drop - I just save time and use 2 words instead of 4.
Men of few words are the best men - William Shakespeare
and who am I too argue?

:lol: :wink:



The last bit has nothing to do with the code above by the way - It's to do when someone is spouting Tosh - no offence meant - just my crass humour (?)

Re: Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:09 pm
by richmond62
Here's Richmond's simplistic take on things:

Code: Select all

on openCard
   put 1003 into PAYSAGE
   repeat until PAYSAGE > 1009
      put the short name of fld id PAYSAGE into fld id PAYSAGE
      add 1 to PAYSAGE
   end repeat
end openCard

Re: Label Field - Can I get it to name it's self?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:47 pm
by dunbarx

You omitted QCD.
