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Text box control on mobile

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 3:32 pm
by gepponline
I've developed my application ignoring that for mobile is better to use native controls so now i need to repair that.

So i have two text box and in each I have this code:

Code: Select all

on openField
   put empty into field "numero_DA"
   set the backgroundcolor of field "numero_DA" to "230,230,230"
   set the backgroundcolor of me to none
end openField

Code: Select all

on openField
   put empty into field "numero_A"
   set the backgroundcolor of field "numero_A" to "230,230,230"
   set the backgroundcolor of me to none
end openField

How should i do a similar thing with mobile controls?
I have to continously polling with mobilecontroltarget? Which event does a mobile control generate similar to openField?
And then...
using an application with "normal" controls under the mobile controls is it better after the user insert a value in a mobilecontrol, to copy the values on the "normal" control and then use always the "normal" control or it is better to use an "IF environment() is mobile THEN" every time i have to get something from the text box?