Is there a gallery of Apps completed with Livecode?

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Is there a gallery of Apps completed with Livecode?

Post by blackcat » Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:24 pm


I would have thought that there would be a list somewhere showing apps completed and published using Livecode, a gallery of sorts. I really want to know what LC is capable of, the "build an app in 3 hours" video did everything but inspire me.

At present I use Sencha (java based) but my brain is beginning to hurt due to the syntax, also multi platform deployment is painful. A friend suggested LC, but I have seen no examples and very few recent video's. Also the fact that you need to purchase lots of bolt on's including MobGUI to get any sort of native app appearance concerns me, especially due to the apparent update cycle (bug fixes!!) which result in shelling out more cash every three months or so.

Seriously, every time I think what the hell, I'm going to buy, I end up stepping back once I get to the RunRev site. It's like trying to buy a cup of coffee and a sandwich in the US!! Too much choice, too much confusion. Then to make matters worse, a week later I get a mailshot which offers major savings against the purchase I almost made. Thats like biting the bullet when you buy a Mac, because a few months later theres always a faster better one out!!

Anyone help, I have downloaded the demo, but as you can imagine I need to reprogram myself from the Java mindset (can't wait). But before I do this, I just want to see what LC can actually do in the real world, download some of its apps and put them to a test to get a feel for speed and functionality.


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Re: Is there a gallery of Apps completed with Livecode?

Post by Gene » Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:40 pm


Send me an email, and I will forward a stack with a work in progress that is far along enough for you to look at. You will need to have an Android phone for runtime, since it uses the sensor functions.


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Re: Is there a gallery of Apps completed with Livecode?

Post by blackcat » Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:45 pm

Gene wrote:Send me an email
I'm new here Gene, forgive my ignorance but how do I send you an email?

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Re: Is there a gallery of Apps completed with Livecode?

Post by Gene » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:57 pm

Darn, it appears I don't kinow any more about how to send an e-mail than you do. I thought you would just click on my name and my profile would show my e-mail address, since I have checked off "OK" for members and admins to contact me by email.

Oh well, here it is:

Cheers - Gene

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Re: Is there a gallery of Apps completed with Livecode?

Post by jlally » Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:15 am

Actually, that's a really good question - Is there a gallery of apps completed with Livecode?
I know that Unity has a "Made With Unity" gallery, and I was just thinking that it would be both interesting and fun to see what other developers have produced using Livecode.

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