Много смешно!You've been lucky.
Well, let me see.
I "discovered" RR/LC in 2001 and have deployed various versions of it (from RR 1.1 to LC 9.6.2)
on approximately 20 Macintosh computers with 1, 2 or 3 monitors, and, since 2004 on approximately
40 PCs running a wide variety of Debian-derived Linux distros, and NEVER, NEVER had a problem.
I have also (in the last 7 years) seen LC working on various forms of Windows (XP to Windows 10) with various
multiple monitor configs with NO problems at all.
That doesn't seem like luck to me.

ALL the Mac/Linux computers I have run LC on have ONLY had Open-Source software or in-house (i.e. what the OS installs)
software installed.