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Orient DB driver

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:27 pm
by makeshyft
Hi Everyone,

In the next few months I will be initiating steps for some very specific engine contributions. The first being an Orient DB driver.

Is anyone else doing that at the moment? Does anyone know anyone who has wanted to do this ? How do I go about finding someone who can build a such a driver?

I've never seen it on Runrev's roadmap, so I figure if I need it, it can be one of the contributions to the community.



Re: Orient DB driver

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:17 pm
by mwieder

I would hold off on this if I were you. There is a database layer rewrite in the works for someday.
The current method of adding new database types is a mess. I started on adding mongodb to the database types and stopped midway through when it became clear that I would have to rewrite or duplicate much existing code in the engine and then abandon all that when the new db layer stuff was implemented.

I'm happy to turn over my groundwork on this to you, but I think it's an exercise in futility.

Re: Orient DB driver

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:23 pm
by makeshyft
Thats a good point ...I forgot about the db layer rewrite. Hmmm. There is no way I could write that driver... would have to hire someone, which we are open to doing. Thanks for your answer. Will just out that one back on the backburner for now.

Re: Orient DB driver

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:34 am
by mwieder
Yeah, I think that's wise until we get some direction on the db layer front. Hopefully during or just after the conference.