
Moderators: FourthWorld, heatherlaine, Klaus, kevinmiller, LCMark

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Post by DarScott » Tue May 27, 2014 1:07 am

What tools do I need to play?

Xcode 5?

Visual Studio Express 2013?


Or is this detailed in a file I will get when I git?

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Re: Tools

Post by LCMark » Tue May 27, 2014 10:21 am

@DarScott: I use both Xcode 3.2.6 and Xcode 5.<something> (depending on which computer I'm on) to work on Mac. If you are intending to play around with the pseudo-object stuff that @runrevali implemented recently, then you'll need to work off a branch of refactor-syntax_unicode. Once you've checked this branch out, you need to 'cd' into prebuilt and execute 'sh' - this downloads prebuilt versions of ICU, OpenSSL and Curl which the engine needs to build (there's also a script to compile them from source, but that can take quite a while).

On Windows, we are still tied to VS2005 - instructions for the prerequisites for this are in the livecode.git repository readme file.


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