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MobGUI V1.0

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:12 pm
by splash21
I'm guessing that rather than wait another day, it's preferable for me just to post V1.0 on the website for download :)
I was going to wait until the docs were also up to date, but that wont happen tonight!

V1.0 is posted - and a quick update to mobguicons-3.
The icon buttons are now a lot more flexible as the icon can be positioned top/left/right and the label can be hidden. If you load a stack that already has the old behaviors, then selecting an icon button and trying to apply the new properties won't work. There's a new 'Update Stack Behaviors' button that will update the behaviors in your stack to the latest version, then everything should work OK.

Aside from any bug fixes, getting the new features from the last few days added to the documentation is next on the list.

I've got various ideas that are likely candidates for the next additions and always interested in hearing other ideas;

Round option buttons and square check boxes - like the old plugin had
Interactive Pie (
Carousel ( - could be tricky!