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How to move fields for iOS keyboard entry?

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 4:20 pm
by donryan
I have problems with the iOS keyboard sheet over the top of my fields and hiding the input fields. I thought I could get around this by adding handlers in InputBeginEditing and InputEndEditing to position the fields above the keyboard by script, but the code isn't working. I placed the following code in the InputBeginEditing handler and the mobGUI iOS Labels successfully move. However, I cannot get any of the mobGUI iOS text fields to move using this method - using the exact same syntax as shown in the example below:

Code: Select all

    put the llc of group "labelTopItem" to tlabelTopItem
    move group "labelBottomItem" to tlabelTopItem in 200 millisecs  <-- WORKS
    put the llc of group "fieldTopItem" to tfieldTopItem
    move group "fieldBottomItem" to tfieldTopItem in 200 millisecs  <-- DOESN'T WORK
Any ideas as to why this isn't working or other suggestions for working around this? I know other people out there must have already figured this out, but I'm out of ideas on what to try next. There has got to be some method to move the fields above the keyboard and then slide them back down when the keyboard is dismissed.