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Buttons placement unreliable

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:15 pm
by programmerBUSLVMD
When I place a IOS button from MOBGUI it appears in a different place from where it was placed during design. Design resolution is the same as runtime. Another button works just fine. Any ideas?

Re: Buttons placement unreliable

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:47 pm
by LittleGreyMan

I am giving MobGÜI a try and have a similar layout problem:


On the left, the simulator view, on the right, the LiveCode window. Note the elements of the LC window are not properly disposed, in an attempt to get them right in the simulator.

I disabled auto stack resize and auto geometry, with no effect.

Is this a known issue? How to get rid of this?

Any idea?


Re: Buttons placement unreliable

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:56 pm
by LittleGreyMan
I just noticed the phenomenon: when the simulator displays the card, the UI elements are in the same place as in the LC window, for a fraction of second.

Then, the UI elements quickly move to the location of the picture.