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Double Click implementation

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:02 pm
by townsend
My app is still a long way from deployment, but I have a concern about the user interface.

If I use the double click Message-- mouseDoubleUp-- how will that work in the Android environment?

If a user simply holds their finger down on a particular DataGrid cell, will that register as a double click?

Re: Double Click implementation

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:21 pm
by webmaster
Hi. Just did a quick test of "mouseDoubleUp" on my Andriod phone. No, click and hold does not trigger it. The user must double tap the same control because LiveCode is sensing the removal of the finger as one mouseUp. Two finder removals within a short period of time is a double-click.

I'm curious what you're desired outcome is that requires a double-click rather than single-click (mouseUp)? Double tap seems to be fairly rarely used in mobile / touch-based applications. Maybe you could use just mouseUp or combine it with an "answer" dialog in order to confirm the user wants to perform that action.


Re: Double Click implementation

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:58 pm
by townsend
Thanks Forest-- I appreciate you running that test for me.

I've got a DataGrid. Due the the small screen, not all fields fit, so I have some fields designated as hidden. They're there. They just don't appear in the DataGrid. When the user single clicks on any line, the hidden fields are displayed outside of the DataGrid area.

This works well, but then there the problem of how to allow the user to edit the value of a single cell.
Here are my choices:

1- Open up a whole new card to display all editable fields in a form.
2- Double click on a cell, to do in-cell editing.
3- Double click on a cell, and present the user with an Ask dialog.

I would guess anyone who wants to allow the user to edit a DataGrid would be faced with the same choices. I'm inclined to go with the in-cell editing to start, then move to the Ask dialog, if an exit from the in-cell editor become problematic.