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Stopwatch over Bluetooth

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:58 pm
by catalinanesia
Hi everyone,
I have a Bluetooth (HID—Human Interface Device) hooked to Android that acts like a
keyboard sending 1 or 2 as numbers to any text field, all good till here.
If I have more than one HID—Human Interface Device paired with the Android device is there a way
to link every one of them to a "unique" field in my LiveCode app? (it is like having 3 mouses paired at the
same time to Android and you click one of them or all at the same time)
Is there a way to approach this?

Please move the post on the appropriate category if this is not the right one, sorry :(


Re: Stopwatch over Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:20 am
by Mark
Hi Catalin,

No, you can't do this. It isn't that LiveCode wouldn't allow this, but the devices don't have this feature.

On the other hand, you could check if the input is an integer and if it is you can copy it to the appropriate field.

Kind regards,


Re: Stopwatch over Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:44 pm
by catalinanesia
Thanks for input Mark!
I do understand what you mean and this is what I had in mind to make it work,
regardless I will do a test this week with 2 HID devices to see what will happened
if they can/cannot be paired simultaneously to Bluetooth.


Re: Stopwatch over Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:18 pm
by Mark
Hi Catalin,

Perhaps I wasn't clear. You can pair multiple bluetooth devices, including multiple keyboards and mice, but you can't assign a device to one particular field. However, as I mentioned, I think you can process the input by script and decide where the text should go.

Kind regards,


Re: Stopwatch over Bluetooth

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 8:21 pm
by catalinanesia
Hi Mark,
Uau, this is a good news.
After my short internet search I had the impression that I can "not" pair multiple HID devices at once,
but you are bringing me good news. Any way I will know at one point this week after my test.
Appreciate your comments.