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Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:55 pm
by Obleo
con-grads on your new machine.

If you have any mac related questions , I am sure anyone who posted in this thread can help. But it's pretty much straight forward once you get use to where everything is.

Three tips from the start;

1. Utilities folder/ NetInfo Manager/ And set root on the machine. (a good way I do this is have an account for root and another account for me, and use root for just system maintenance, etc.) Without root set the Mac security is really not that secure.

2. After installing a bunch of software or updates, go to Utilities folder/Disk Utility/ select the main drive/ and repair Disk Permissions. You should notice the system will run smoother.

3. Log out over shut down/ during the log out cycle the machine runs system maintenance. If you choose to shut down, you will need to run the system maintenance manually by command line.

have fun. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:07 am
by stevenp
Thanks for the tips!

I was gone most the day today but Friday night and yesterday I spent most the day playing around with it and installed Win XP Pro in Parallels. I still want to install it through Boot Camp as well but I am sure I'll have to call Microsoft to be able to re-activate it. I also have Ubuntu installed.

I am actually loving the Mac very much and don't want to go back (once you go Mac you never want to go Back!) This is good enough to be my all-in-one computer. :)

The family and I have been having fun with the voice recognition. We named it Ana. "Ana, what time is it?" :)
