Hardware section / Operating system section
Moderators: FourthWorld, heatherlaine, Klaus, kevinmiller, robinmiller
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
Hello, everyone! I've been programming in Livecode for the last several years but am new to the forum, as my programming skills are certainly limited! Wondering if there was any resolution to running standalone Livecode programs on Chromebooks? I recently purchased four Chromebooks for my research lab, only to find that my Livecode program didn't work. Ack, and perhaps speaking to my naivety! I tried enable Linux on the Chromebooks and saving the program as a Linux, but to no avail. Alas, I'm wondering if anyone has found a work around and/or solution to being able to run standalone Livecode programs on Chromebooks. Many thanks for your insights 

Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
Hi ktw1223,
welcome to the forum!
What OS is running on the Chromebook?
If that is not supported by LC then you are out of luck.
Here an answer from a user of the Facebook LC group on the same question:
welcome to the forum!
What OS is running on the Chromebook?
If that is not supported by LC then you are out of luck.
Here an answer from a user of the Facebook LC group on the same question:
Unfortunately that was the only potentionally helpful answer to that question.Chromebooks are primarily meant for using web apps. So, #1 answer is to create and host a web app.
Some Chromebooks can run Android apps so, that is another possibility because LC can also make Android apps.
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
Ah, yes, that is what I was afraid of. It's running on ChromeOS (2025), so seems like it won't be possible. Off to explore the web apps I go. Many thanks for the speedy and helpful response, Klaus!
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
Well jacque/jwack might have some hints, I'm sre she had some versions of some apps on some Chromebooks.
Last edited by SparkOut on Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
Yes, it's possible to run LC apps on Chromebooks, and I have several personal ones running on mine. Since you have newer hardware it should support Android apps, so compile the app for Android; LC's Linux apps don't support the Linux version required for Chromebooks. Be sure to compile the app to match your Chromebook's architecture, either Intel or Arm. Keep (or reinstall) your Linux partition because that's required for installation.
Copy your Android apk to the Linux partition on the Chromebook using the Files app. Then install via terminal:
The app should appear in the launcher along with all the other native apps and you can open it normally. Here's a useful page with full instructions:
https://www.howtogeek.com/752759/how-to ... oper-mode/
Copy your Android apk to the Linux partition on the Chromebook using the Files app. Then install via terminal:
Code: Select all
adb -s emulator-5554 install "myApp.apk"
https://www.howtogeek.com/752759/how-to ... oper-mode/
Last edited by jacque on Wed Jan 29, 2025 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
I noticed that nobody reported running LC on Tv Boxes.
I tested LC on several chinese models, Android 10 to 13, without a problem.
You must be aware tough how shaky is the Android TV OS installed on those hardwares and the fact that LC is not able to allow navigation using the TvBox infrared remote control.
I noticed that nobody reported running LC on Tv Boxes.
I tested LC on several chinese models, Android 10 to 13, without a problem.
You must be aware tough how shaky is the Android TV OS installed on those hardwares and the fact that LC is not able to allow navigation using the TvBox infrared remote control.
OSX 14.6.1 xCode 15 LC 10 RC1 iOS 15> Android 7>
OSX 14.6.1 xCode 15 LC 10 RC1 iOS 15> Android 7>
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
Was the app in the Play Store? If not, how did you install it on the TV?
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
Re: Hardware section / Operating system section
The TvBoxes have a regular Play Store App (my app is in there).
You can install it also using adb connect over local network (for testing from LC)
You can install it also using adb connect over local network (for testing from LC)
OSX 14.6.1 xCode 15 LC 10 RC1 iOS 15> Android 7>
OSX 14.6.1 xCode 15 LC 10 RC1 iOS 15> Android 7>