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ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified) SOLVED

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 4:26 pm
by jmburnod
Hi All,

I get this error with transporter for an .ipa file with a modified Info.plist file placed in copy file pane (just place "France" instead "English).
This error disappear if Info.plist file have been not changed.
That did work before (LC 9.5.0, Xcode 10.1)
Is there an other way to replace "English" by "France" for AppStore infos ?

Best regards
ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified). The file at path [] is not properly signed. Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please consult ... ction.html"

Re: ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:38 pm
by jacque
Is this a language definition? Should it be "French"? I don't know if that would cause an error or prevent signing from occurring, but if that's the only change maybe it matters.

Re: ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:20 am
by jmburnod
Thanks for your message
Is this a language definition? Should it be "French"?
I used xCode to modify Info.plist file. I wonder if there is another app to do it (worked LC 9.5.0, xCode 10.1)
Best regards

Re: ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 10:51 am
by Thierry
jmburnod wrote:
Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:20 am
I used xCode to modify Info.plist file.
I wonder if there is another app to do it (worked LC 9.5.0, xCode 10.1)
Bonjour Jean-Marc,

Info.plist is a text file; so all text editors will do it.
BBEdit (even the free version) will manage better,
as it is recognized as a .plist language.


Re: ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Invalid Info.plist (plist or signature have been modified)SOLVED

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:57 am
by jmburnod
Sorry, I forgot this thread.
I use textedit to modify Info.plist file with success
Kind regards