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Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:58 am
by Dixie
Is this broken ?
Used to use it no problem... now the stack is crashing, no result, nada, bugger all !

Code: Select all

      case "mail"
         if char 1 to 5 of pBarCode = "mail:" then put 6 into charNumber
         if char 1 to 7 of pBarCode = "mailto:" then put 8 into charNumber
         put char charNumber to (the number of chars of pBarCode) of pBarCode into theEmailAddress
         iphoneComposeMail  , theEmailAddress
         if the result = "sent" then put "Your Email message has been sent..." into theResponse
         if the result = "failed" then put "The Email failed to be sent..." into theResponse
         if the result = "saved" then put "Your Email has been saved..." into theResponse
         if the result = "cancel" then put "You cancelled the Email" into theResponse
         answer theResponse with "OK"
LC 8.1.0


Re: iPhoneComposeMail

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 11:27 am
by Klaus
Hi Dixie,

just guessing, but "iPhonexyz" commands have been deprecated a long time ago,
try this and supply an EMPTY (and not a left out) parameter:
mobileComposeMail "", theEmailAddress



Re: iPhoneComposeMail

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:43 pm
by Dixie
Hi Klaus...

Thanks for the reply... I have tried your suggestions. I have queried whether or not mail can be sent using the iphoneCanSendMail() function., before trying to compose a message.. but no still nothing... I then made a new stack and tried to compose and send a message... but again still nothing.. :-(

It is this that has led me to think that something must be broken... I had wondered if anyone else had experienced difficulties with send email from their app..


Re: iPhoneComposeMail

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:51 pm
by Dixie
After much looking around and not getting this to work, I was going to submit a 'bug report', but looking at some of the other bugs dealing with this problem... Panos from LiveCode stated that the bug had been fixed in LC 8.1.4. ... So, I have downloaded LC 8.1.4 and have tried to launch the stack that is giving me problems with composing mail...

But now another problem... When trying to build for the iPhone I am getting a dialog box which states...

'Could not find pList template for device target'

How do I solve this one, please...
