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Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:44 pm
by Mikey
Gosh, I always thought Dave might be my brother.

But wait, maybe he's my father!

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:45 pm
by Mikey
And, Max, of course I'm open to helping, some more.

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:18 pm
by dave.kilroy
Mikey maybe I've been spelling my name wrong all these years :)
Mikey wrote:Gosh, I always thought Dave might be my brother.

But wait, maybe he's my father!
Max - thanks for the screenshot, v useful - it looks like you have a bad iOS Development certificate. Go to KeyChain Access and zap it, then return to Xcode and download it afresh...

Good luck!

Dave Kerner/Kilroy

PS: Bill thank you for the generous attribution

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:55 pm
by Armenhui
So the problem was solved or it still yet ?

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:42 am
by maxs
I tried it. I'm still getting "Missing Private Key"

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:22 am
by dave.kilroy
Apologies, my suggestion of refreshing it via Xcode obviously wouldn't work ... cates.html and in particular the "Exporting and Importing Certificates and Profiles" section reminds me that trying to download a developer certificate in Xcode won't download a new private key (DOH of course it won't it's private!)

So, as your developer certificate is now bad due to the missing private key, and you can't remake the private key with Apple - you either have to import a copy of the original certificate or else make a new one.

With any luck when you installed Xcode and signed up for a developer account you exported your newly-minted developer profile (certificates etc) to a file and kept it safe? If so then you can say "Hurrah" and import it (using directions on the same page). It also might be that you created your developer profile on a different machine? If so then the profile may be saved somewhere on that machine.

If you don't have a previously exported profile then you'll need to make a new one.

In Apple's 'Developer Portal', go to 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles', then go to 'Certificates' and click on 'Developer', click the big "+" to make a new certificate, choose "iOS Development" and scroll down to read what they say about "Creating a Certificate Signing Request" - follow their instructions and with any luck when you've completed you'll have a new and working certificate!

If you make a new Developer Certificate:
1 - Remember to zap the old developer certificate on the Developer Portal
2 - Remember to refresh all your App IDs and Provisioning Profiles on the Developer Portal
3 - Remember to check for other certificates that now look invalid on the Developer Portal and refresh them
3 - Remember to zap copies of the old Developer Certificate on your machine
4 - Remember to use Xcode to download new copies of certificates, provisioning profiles etc to your machine
5 - Remember to zap all local copies of old certificates and provisioning profiles on your machine

WARNING: I'm not 100% sure whether making a new certificate will affect your 'Team ID' (the 10 digit string of characters you will have seen when creating a new App ID) - and which Apple uses in part of the signature of each app - and which makes all the apps made by you 'yours'. I'm pretty sure it won't change - and if you don't have apps in the App Store it won't matter to you. But if it you do have apps in the App Store then I suggest you research this first to make 100% sure...

Let us know how you get on


Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:28 am
by maxs
Thanks for the post Dave,
Regretfully, It did not help.

I'm still willing to pay someone for help. Most of my apps were deleted from the app store.


Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:55 am
by maxs
Thanks Dave, I've done the above suggestion at least 6 times. I just seem to be getting into a deeper and deeper hole.

After years of successful happy coding in Livecode, this has been one year of constant torture and disappointments. All my years of development come to a halt and all my apps are booted from the app store and one huge padlock keeping me out. No one willing to give me the "key".

I'm not giving up yet.


Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:34 pm
by wprothero
I don't know if this is a help or not, but my major difficulty with getting iOS apps validated (I haven't tried to put one in the Apple store yet, tho) has been my confusion over the different certificates, provisioning profiles, etc, that I've downloaded and that has really confused the process. I had success when I erased all of the certificates, profiles, etc, and started over by getting a new certificate for both app and installer. In fact, I erased my entire keychain by mistake, and had to use Time Machine to get them back. One thing that helped a lot was finding out where, on my local machine, provisioning profiles were stored and deleting them all, so I could start over. In XCode Preferences, Accounts, you can view all of your provisioning profiles and certificates if you click "view details". You can click on the list of provisioning profiles that xcode recognizes, with the control key down, and select "Show in finder" from the dropdown list. What I did was delete them all and then downloaded the one I wanted from the Developer site, then copied it from my downloads folder into the XCode specified folder. There isn't good synchronization between the developer site and local Xcode location. Doing this helped me.

Sorry if I've belabored info you most likely already know, but I thought there was an off chance that my experience might help.

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 6:49 pm
by dave.kilroy
Yeah I agree with you Bill as to the likely causes

Maxs did you get my direct message from a while back? How about you and I have a screensharing session on Skype? Maybe a different set of eyeballs can spot something ... and thank you for offering but no need to pay anybody anything! :D 8)

Kind regards


PS: or if not me then let SOMEONE see your setup...

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 2:26 pm
by Mikey
I was on, one time, with Max, and had a chance to see his screens. We spent almost an hour working on it. Everything looked ok, and we walked through trying to fix it using what I thought were all the obvious things. If I was going to work on this, I'd probably need to have control of his box, get credentials, etc. so I could fiddle and fiddle until I figured out what was going on. Doing it with someone else pushing the buttons just slows me down, and I would want to do things like recreating all the certs, trying to see what happens with his account on one of my machines, etc.

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:32 pm
by dave.kilroy
Thanks Mikey - OK it sounds like a nasty and hard-to-find issue - will keep our expectations low - and maybe several people going "fiddle fiddle fiddle" is the only way to uncover what is going on...

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:10 pm
by Mikey
Since there are several of us trying to help, and none of us wanted to charge Max anything for the time, I wanted to stay out of the way and let anyone else who wanted a crack at it see if they hit on something I missed. I would probably want to charge for my time, now, since I think we've tried all the easy things.

Anyway, Max, the next things that I would try, whether this is me or someone else:
1) Create a new account on your box. Go through downloading the Apple cert, logging in with the developer account, etc. and try again. Don't transfer anything from machine account to machine account. Act as if the current login has some funky issue - try to limit the possible contamination from it.
2) If that doesn't work, try from another box
3) If that doesn't work, wipe everything from the developer account and start over creating certs/profiles/app definitions/etc. (inside the developer account), still on a separate box
4) Once we have the developer account behaving, go back to your box, wipe the relevant pieces from the keychain, reload the certs/profiles/etc. and see what happens.

If anyone else has anything they want to add/modify/delete from that list...

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:13 pm
by dave.kilroy
@Mikey, just sent you a message...

Re: I need consultant for Final Build for IOS

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 7:03 pm
by jacque
I mentioned to Max privately that Apple has updated its universal certificate and the older, expired one will not work. This may be the private key that's missing.

The developer portal should have a link to the Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority certificate. The new one doesn't expire until February 2028.