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Chartsengine in Standalones

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 1:04 pm
by DukeUK

No idea what I'm doing wrong here, but maybe someone can help.

I've used chartsEngine to draw 2 graphs from data on the card and it all works brilliantly, apart from a couple of things I can't quite work out.

On the x axis if I set gridx to a value, the subdivisions aren't the correct numbers. For instance, if the total x is say 6, the mid point might show as 3.0, 3.01 or 2.96 etc.

The main problem I'm having though is I just can't get it to work at all in a standalone.

I'm missing something here no doubt.

I've tried the [set the mainstack of stack "chartsEngine" to "nameofmainstack"] and save as per the manual and that puts the chartsEngine stack in the mainstack, but it still doesn't work in the standalone.

I've tried this with my project and a mainstack with just the example in the docs, but I still get the same result.

I'm totally new to this so any 'pointing me in the right direction' would be much appreciated.


Re: Chartsengine in Standalones

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:46 pm
by malte
Hi Kev,

to make it work in a standalone try the following:

Make chartsEngine a substack of your mainstack

In your mainstack add:

on openStack
start using stack "chartsEngine"
pass openStack
end openStack

This will assure that chartsEngine is available in the messagePath. In the IDE you can just use the checkBox to make it work. For the rounding stuff: Charts is a bit "dumb" there, as the grid drawing depends on the width of the chart and the number of subDivisions that are drawn. It does no rounding initially, but you can round it of course:

set the charts["gridXNumberFormat"] of group "myChart" to "#"

Should do the trick.

Hope that helps,


Re: Chartsengine in Standalones

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by DukeUK
Thanks very much Malte.

All works fine now ! Great

Pretty impressive really.


Re: Chartsengine in Standalones

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:51 pm
by kwinkler
I've inserted the suggested code, but I get the error "Chunk: can't find stack"

Where precisely should the chartsengine stack be located? I've tried several locations, but can't seem to find the right one.

I assume by "chartsengine stack" we are referring to the chartsEngine.rev file?

Re: Chartsengine in Standalones

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:37 pm
by kwinkler
Mission accomplished.

Reading the user guide more closely solved the problem. I just needed to use the "Standalone Application Settings...." Stacks dialog to include the chartsEngine stack. Now the charts work in the standalone application.