Variables don't work when using set layer?

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Variables don't work when using set layer?

Post by Korvic » Tue Apr 01, 2014 9:26 pm

Hello all! Korvic here. I've been racking my brain at this for a bit now. For a style of map generation that I am using (grid based generation with sprites) and the art style I'm trying to accomplish I need to set the layers of my walls to be the top, less one. (E.G. set the layer of last img to top - 1) I tried seeing if LiveCode was intuitive enough to get that done, but no luck. No big deal, I had a plan in the back of my head to use variables in a simple timer-like structure. I created a system in which it would start off at 9000, set the layer of last img to 9000 (vLayer in my case, where vLayer is 9000), then reduce it to 8999 and continue on until the map generation was done. I'm using a 30x20 grid, so at max there's 1200 items (twice as much as the entire map) with the system I'm using, so there should be no problem. I've tested the system by having it answer and/or put vLayer back to me, and it's working fine. I then tried just setting the vLayer to 9000, flat out. It worked. Is there some trick to getting variables to work with set layer? I've tried using brackets, to no avail. I'll post the actual code section itself below, thanks in advance for any aid I can get for this. I really don't want to stay at school for the next 3 hours to do nothing. :P


Code: Select all

global vMap, vCharAmount, vHeightCount, f, iPerson, jPerson, iP, jP, e, spritewidth, screenwidth, vshotcount, vshotmax, vshotspeed, nbBullet, FList, DUList, DDList
local vWall, vXDir, vYDir, FirstF, vLayer, FirstDU, FirstDD, roomnumber

on opencard
   send mouseup to button "Create"
end opencard

on mapgen
   --Variable Reset
   put 0 into nbBullet
   put 1 into f
   put 1 into roomnumber
   put 30 into spritewidth
   put 100 into vshotspeed
   put 900 into screenwidth
   put 9001 into vLayer
   put true into FirstF
   put true into FirstDD
   put true into FirstDU
   put the number of chars of vMap into vCharAmount
   put ( vCharAmount / ( screenwidth / spritewidth ) ) into vHeightCount
   --Place / Sort Map Sprites
   repeat with j = 1 to vHeightCount
      repeat with i = 1 to ( vCharAmount / vHeightCount )
         put i + (j-1)*( vCharAmount / vHeightCount ) into n
         switch (char n of vMap)
            case "W"
               clone img WallPNG.png
               set the loc of last img to ((i*spritewidth)+49),((j*spritewidth)+62)
               put false into vWall
            case "U"
               clone img DoorUpPNG.png
               set the name of last img to "dudummy" & n
               if FirstDU = true then
                  put false into FirstDU
                  put n into DUList
                  put DUList &","&n into DUList
               end if
               set the loc of last img to ((i*spritewidth)+52),((j*spritewidth)+52)
               set the layer of last img to vLayer
               clone img FloorPNG.png
               put true into vWall
            case "D"
               clone img DoorDownPNG.png
               set the name of last img to "dddummy" & n
               if FirstDD = true then
                  put false into FirstDD
                  put n into DDList
                  put DDList &","&n into DDList
               end if
               set the loc of last img to ((i*spritewidth)+52),((j*spritewidth)+52)
               set the layer of last img to vLayer
               clone img FloorPNG.png
               put true into vWall
            case "B"
               clone img BlanchePNG.png
               put true into vWall
            case "N"
               clone img NoirPNG.png
               set the loc of last img to ((i*spritewidth)+52),((j*spritewidth)+52)
               put false into vWall
            case "C"
               clone img StartPNG.png
               put true into vWall
            case "S"
               set the loc of img PersonPNG.png to ((i*spritewidth)+52),((j*spritewidth)+52)
               clone img FloorPNG.png
               put true into vWall
               put i into iPerson
               put j into jPerson
            case "E"
               clone img WaterGIF.gif
            case "F"
               clone img FPNG.png
               set the name of last img to "fdummy" & n
               if FirstF = true then
                  put false into FirstF
                  put n into FList
                  put FList &","&n into FList
               end if
               set the loc of last img to ((i*spritewidth)+52),((j*spritewidth)+52)
               set the layer of last img to vLayer
               clone img FloorPNG.png
               put true into vWall
               clone img FloorPNG.png
               put true into vWall
         end switch
         set the name of last img to "dummy" & n
         if vWall = true then
            set the loc of last img to ((i*spritewidth)+52),((j*spritewidth)+52)
            set the layer of last img to 0
            set the layer of last img to vLayer
            put vLayer - 1 into vLayer
         end if
      end repeat
   end repeat
   set the layer of img PersonPNG.png to top
end mapgen
I cut off the bottom, seeing as it's just player movement that I'm getting into.

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Re: Variables don't work when using set layer?

Post by Klaus » Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:37 pm

Hi Korvic,

there should not be any problems when using vaiables for setting the layer!

But here some observations and general hints:
Use QUOTES around object names: clone img "StartPNG.png"
Same for messages the you "send": send "mouseup" to btn "whatever"

Make sure the results of your calculations are INTEGERS when using them for LOC and dimensons of objects:
## put ( vCharAmount / ( screenwidth / spritewidth ) ) into vHeightCount
put ROUND( vCharAmount/(screenwidth/spritewidth))) into vHeightCount

Use parens when concatenating object names!
## set the name of last img to "dddummy" & n
set the name of last img to ("dddummy" & n)

Not sure if this is valid, objects cannot have a layer < 1:
set the layer of last img to 0

Maybe you should work with:
put the num of controls into tMaxLayer
At least worth a try :D



And please add a RETURN from time to time in your posting,
will make it really easier to read! 8)

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