[ANN] New NoSQL library available

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[ANN] New NoSQL library available

Post by SoapDog » Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:20 pm

Hey Folks,

I am releasing a beta version of the Data Storage Lib, a local NoSQL data storage library. It is an add-on for my DB Lib and uses SQLite for the storage medium.

You can learn more about it at http://andregarzia.com/page/dblib

It can store any kind of information as long as it is inside an array variable. It doesn't require a schema or a defined set of fields. You can mix and match any kind of array in the same storage file. Let me give you some examples, opening a new storage:

dsOpen "myStorage", "com.andregarzia.example"

Saving an item:

put "32" into tA["age"]
put "andre" into tA["first_name"]
put "garzia" into tA["last_name"]
dsSave "myStorage", tA
if "dsErr" is not in the result then
put the result into tKeyForLastSavedItem
end if

Retrieving an item back:

put dsGet("myStorage", tKeyForLastSavedItem) into tA

This all works without the need to touch a SQL database. You can learn more by browsing the current API reference for the Data Storage Lib at:


You can also check the little guide at


This library is BETA but is passing my little tests cases.

This is a true NoSQL solution for LiveCode and writes your data to safe folders in any system. You can save an item, save a bunch of items, retrieve keys, items, and do normal crud operations.

The Data Storage Lib is bundled with DB Lib, so all current owners of DB Lib will have it.

Hope to hear feedback and opinions!


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