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Push Notifications

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 2:01 am
by simon.schvartzman
Hi guys, need help with the following:
- I developed a Mac App based mainly on the lesson How do I use push notifications on iOS ( ... s-with-ios)
- At the time I was developing the App I bought support from LC and Panos help me with the nightmare of certificates and the like
- The App was compiled as stand alone, notarised and running flawless on two different Macs
- Yesterday my Certificate expired and the App is not sending notifications anymore

I don't know where to start in order to bring it back to life again

Looking forward for ideas...thanks in advance

P.S: I thought a stand alone App would be shielded against certificates expiration...


Re: Push Notifications

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:42 pm
by Mikey
have you looked at using a push service? i never have, but they might make your life easier.
have you looked at john craig's original APNSAssistant stack? i believe that the lc tech note includes doing some of the steps manually (like generating the csr). john's stack automates some of that.
rather that futz with trying to cut the time further, i generally just start over with creating a new csr, then submit it to apple, obtain the cert, and then install that on the machine. it only takes a few minutes.
i have updated john's original APNSAssistant. this is what i use in my projects.

Re: Push Notifications

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2020 10:17 pm
by simon.schvartzman
Thanks Mikey, I'll explore this alternative, but I still would try to get my App running again. Will see


Re: Push Notifications

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:43 am
by Mikey
Either way, start by generating a new csr then submitting it to apple