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LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:38 pm
by pderks

LiveCode 7.0.1 can not open the document that it has created and saved 5 minutes before …

I wrote a stack to decrypt/encrypt texts. After all (successful) tests I saved the finished stack and shut off the computer.
Later I tried to open my "enigma" stack directly in Finder: LC was caught in an endless beachball loop …
I started LC, tried to open my stack in the Open File dialog: LC was caught …
I started LC, opened a random stack, tried something like "put the script of stack Enigma into msg": LC was caught …

So far you may know this story from my post of Jan 26, 2015.

Now I wrote a stack to perform only this one task: empty all fields of my "enigma" stack. And behold, I could regain control of my (now empty) stack.

When saved my encryption stack contained fields with character lists and encrypted text, both composed of Mac Roman chars from # 032 to # 255.

Does anyone know of forbidden characters ?


Re: LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:47 am
by dunbarx
It may be necessary for you to post the stack, and see if we can duplicate your problem. Hard to tell otherwise. I am willing to try it.

Craig Newman

Re: LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:58 pm
by pderks

following Craig's proposal, I post here my specially made stack "pdMacRoman" with empty fields: it shows exactly the same symptoms as my much larger enigma stack. Please store a fresh copy of my stack.

The button "pdMacRoman_Code_Generate" will create a code table of 256 lines and 57344 chars and put it into its corresponding field.

If you save this stack now "in all its glory" (populated fields) and quit LiveCode, you will no longer be able to open it in the Finder, in the LiveCode menu File - Open Stack, from an other stack. Instead you will meet the spinning beachball …

I am very curious about your tests and experiences …


Re: LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 6:29 pm
by bn
Hi Peter,

I tested your stack in 7.0.2 rc2 AND in 7.0.1

both times I generated and saved and could reopen the stack after quitting Livecode and restarting it to get a fresh LC.

Could not break it. MacOSX 10.9.5

there was a strange bug report about field content created in 7.0.2 and problems/inability to open in 6.5.2
but here you want to open the stack in the same version of LC that created it.

Too bad. Love to break things... :)
Maybe different operating system?

Kind regards

Re: LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:03 pm
by pderks
Hi Bernd,

Maybe different operating system?

Yes, MacOSX 10.10.01 …


Re: LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:32 pm
by bn
Would some kind soul please test Peter's stack in LC 7.0.1 and if possible also in LC 7.0.2 rc1 or 2 on a Mac with Yosemite installed?

Seems to be a strange thing. And if confirmed a serious bug.

Kind regards

Re: LiveCode can 't open stack (2): forbidden chars ?

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:09 pm
by dave.kilroy
Hi Peter

I tried your stack on Yosemite 10.10.2 with LiveCode versions 7.0.1 and 7.0.2 and in both versions the stack opened fine the second time round with a populated field

I didn't look at your code, only tested ... hope this is good news for you :)

Kind regards
