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LC 7.1.4 Stable not installing on W7 or W10 64bit

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 9:38 pm
by paul_gr
Livecode Community 7.1.4 stalling during attempted install; not crashing just stuck.
Cancel not working, had to kill the (two) processes separately.
In Windows task manager, two processes are running -- maybe a conflict somewhere?
The previous build of LiveCode Community 7.1.4 RC2 installs ok.

Update: Windows 10 is the same...


Re: LC 7.1.4 Stable not installing on W7 or W10 64bit

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 6:04 pm
by Ledigimate
Hi Paul

Whenever an installation process seems to be stuck in Windows 8.x or Windows 10, you can select it in the Details tab of Task Manager, right-click it, and select "Analyze wait chain" to see if another process may be blocking it. If so, then you may need to end the blocking process in order for the installation to continue.

The LiveCode installer launches a secondary process to perform that part of the installation which requires elevated privileges, and it is that secondary process that for some bizarre reason gets blocked by another, usually unrelated, process. I personally believe this to be a glitch in the Windows operating system.



EDIT: Windows 7 also has an "Analyze wait chain" feature, but it isn't available in the Task Manager itself. You can only access it from "Resource Monitor".