In some of the windows computer, it works fine (Win 7 and win10). Those computers have windows media players, real time player, etc perhaps all the necessary codecs
but in some it does not work (win 7 and 10). (it has nothing to do with windows 7 and windows 10). Real time player etc is not installed in these machines..
I can play the video manually but not through livecode exe in some of the computers. Are there any pre-reqiste sofware which has to be installed on computer to play video via live code exe? I thought that you need quick time player when you want to play inside live code but not when you want to run exe.
Could you please help? I am using simple code..
Code: Select all
put the defaultfolder & "/FEData/" into dataPath
put (datapath & msgNo & ".mov") into videoPath
set the filename of player playerName of stack "FE" to videoPath
start player playerName of stack "FE"