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Another 3D Possibility using the irrlicht engine?

Posted: Mon May 07, 2007 10:12 pm
by n.allan
OK I have jumped way above my station here, I have about 5 days left of my Studio Trial so that will give you an idea of how wet behind the ears I am!

I "learned" a little c++ in order to familiarise myself with the externals envirinment and have been eyeing up the Irrlicht engine for a 3d engine for use as an external.

I "wrapped" the helloworld program from the Irrlicht website into a rev external which in turn calls irrlicht.dll

The reason I put this up is that, surely if I can do this with Irrlicht some of you Uber-Masters could eventually wrap the common functions of the irrlicht engine?

anyhoo download the compiled app here:
I think I inadvertantly deleted the source, but I could do it again if anyone is even remotely interested.

Some things you need to know about the app I made:
1) I only made it for win32 and it's only tested on XP
2) when you close the app, you also need to terminate it using task manager (for some unknown reason?)
3) extract the zip file to "c:" only! the wrapper looks for the mesh and texture in "c:\data\media" only!
4)I did test it with the irrlicht.dll beside the rev app and it worked OK on my machine, if you have problems, copy the irrlicht.dll to windows/system32 dir

It's my first external and indeed my first posting and I realize I have no business being in this section of the forum. so be gentle!

Re: Another 3D Possibility using the irrlicht engine?

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:40 am
by Bill
n.allan wrote: It's my first external and indeed my first posting and I realize I have no business being in this section of the forum. so be gentle!
Kudos to you, you have every right to stand up and be noticed.
The so called Uber-Masters and the company itself don't seem too interested in bringing 3D to rev at all.

If you choose to pursue this I suggest getting a Media license as you
won't need to build stand alones for some time and you'll spend much
more time with the irrlicht source and builds, writing documentation and building useable guis, than relying on Rev stand alones,
since most of the work you'd need rev for seems completed by the Irrlicht community already.

Once you have it working you'll also spend much more time writing game code than writing rev code and irrlicht already supports
many free, well documented and easy languages like Lua and Basic.

Also your post is rather timely as we've decided, after five months of actively seeking alternatives,
to eschew Revolution for the open source murgaLua with FLTK.

So far only the Mac source supporting this for both the external and
player have been updated, and only the Mac source is currently on sourceforge.

But I did do a little hacking prior to source level compatibility last week
Download the rev projects for Windows here

Almost everything you need in a 3D engine external for rev on Windows is available,
MIT open source and available from our website.
Well minus some of those awesome features Irrlicht has,
we should have open sourced six years ago like Irrlicht.

Its in C which I hear is much easier to learn and deal with than C++.
I humor myself by reading debates about that.

Or you can just forget all that C/C++ source madness and take iGame3D's 176 rev functions and commands,
thousands of lines of rev scripts, and years of work to whatever level you desire.

At the very least all our work provides a guide for your attempt at climbing a very tall mountain.