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Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:02 am
by istech
Hi All,

I do hope you are doing well.

I have a great setup with revigniter on my Linux box. However, I have been unable to get the command line to work successfully to call controllers. I have followed the documentation but on every call, I get error "row 148, col 1: include: could not find file ("path to revigniter/revigniter")" error.

example call "link-to-livecode-server controller handler"

I have checked the path and it is correct. I have checked the global variables and they are accurate. Every other feature works as expected apart from the command line calls. I have also tried to set the permission to 755 on the revigniter file to see if it is a permissions issue but to no effect. I am also logged in as root/admin user so have full rights. Can anyone shine any light on this issue? or a workaround/solution?

Centos 7
Revigniter v1.10

Re: Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 4:29 pm
by FourthWorld
RevIgniter v1.1 is a beta release from more than a decade ago.

The current version is 2.2.2, released in August and available at the project site:

Given how much work Ralf puts into RevIgniter I would imagine there's a good chance an error line the one you've experienced has been addressed. And if you find the issue persists after upgrading, at least you'll have a common point of reference useful in reporting the bug.

Re: Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 6:31 pm
by istech
Hi Richard,

Thanks for the comment. I did consider the jump from v1.10.3 to v2. But because it is such a big jump and so many things have changed in that release the current thinking is to try and avoid having to fix a ton of new bugs it may introduce. Not to mention a few workarounds I had to implement. This option however is not ruled out. If it is not possible on this version I suppose I would have no choice. I'll give it another day of tinkering and go from there. :D

PS Revigniter v1.10.3 release date was 2019-01-04. So just a couple years old.

Re: Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:56 pm
by FourthWorld
My bad on the release date. Perhaps I misread the release notes for that version on his site.

Re: Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:53 pm
by istech
No worries Richard,

Just a quick update on the problem. On further testing the server variable "put $_Server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] into sTempPath" was empty in when using the command line.
I have manually entered the location and the error has gone but still no execution of the script. Very strange problem and still looking into it.

Re: Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:39 pm
by istech

CLI was added in version 2.16. I am using version 1.10.3. So could not have worked. Thanks for your time again Richard in a way your solution was correct. Just a little annoyed with myself for not checking the change logs sooner.

Version 2.1.6
Release Date: 2020-03-11

Added: Controllers can now be run via the command-line interface. Please see the Running revIgniter via the CLI section of the User Guide.
Added: Info regarding CSRF protection errors in userGuide/installation/troubleshooting.html.
Changed: Increased the default life time of CSRF cookies in application/
Changed: Removed LC server version 8 sample records and added authentication library database connection info in userGuide/libraries/authentication/authenticationTables.html.
Changed: Tweaked retrieval of database settings in system/database/DBdriver.livecodescript -> rigFetchDBdriverSetting(), system/database/drivers/mysql/mysqlDriver.livecodescript -> rigDBconnect(), system/database/drivers/postgre/postgreDriver.livecodescript -> rigDBconnect() and in system/database/drivers/sqlite/sqliteDriver.livecodescript -> rigDBconnect().
Changed: Streamlined error pages, and in application/errors.
Changed: Rephrased the 404 error message in system/libraries/Exceptions.livecodescript -> rigShow404Page.
Fixed: Info on welcome page.

Re: Revigniter on command line (row 148, col 1: include: could not find file "path to revigniter/revigniter") error

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 4:28 am
by FourthWorld
istech wrote:
Sat Nov 13, 2021 10:39 pm
Thanks for your time again Richard in a way your solution was correct.
Thank you for the kind word, but the hero here is Ralf. His diligence is why I have so much faith in his builds. The quality of his code is perhaps outdone only by the completeness of his documentation.