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revigniter issue

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 9:20 pm
by mvillion
I have just taken the plunge into LC server.
I purchased a server hosting plan from LC and downloaded and installed revigniter.
The install process is dead simple BUT it does not work.

I am getting an error of
file "/home/asirta/public_html/"
file "/home/asirta/public_html/system/revigniter/"
row 93, col 1: Handler: can't find handler (rigLoadLibrary)
file "/home/asirta/public_html/application/config/"

Looking at the code the attempts to load a stack called 'Common.livecodescript' which has the command for rigLoadLibrary but it is failing. (Failed at the first hurdle [Before I started writing code]. URGH!)

I am reasonably competent with LC but server is a complete new subject. Any ideas anyone?

Re: revigniter issue

Posted: Thu May 23, 2019 10:39 pm
by bogs
Mind you, I know less than nothing about RevIgniter, aside from what I read on their home page, but it appears they do have an email list and, I would have to guess, people who are infinitely more knowledgeable about it than say, I am :wink:
Have you gone through any of the information listed there?

Re: revigniter issue

Posted: Fri May 24, 2019 11:34 am
by rabit
Sorry for answering late.

Please make sure that you use server engine version 9.0 or higher.
Using revIgniter 2 or higher and LC server engine lower than 9 will
yield this error message.
If you still see this error there must be something else going wrong.