Hedera Hashgraph

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Hedera Hashgraph

Post by leifsmith » Sat Mar 16, 2024 12:49 am

I'm interested in any use of LiveCode to interact with Hedera Hashgraph, or with Web3 apps developed with Hedera Hashgraph.

At the time of this post a search for "Hedera" in these Forums has no hits.

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Re: Hedera Hashgraph

Post by FourthWorld » Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:39 am

There were two, but I deleted your duplicate post. Please post a given topic in only one place so people know where to reply.

Most Web3 apps are open source, and LC discontinued their open source edition some years ago.

If you can tell us a bit about how you envision using LC for this project I might be able to offer some pointers on using it for the Hedera API.
Richard Gaskin
LiveCode development, training, and consulting services: Fourth World Systems
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